產業測量組主席的話 (2011年9月)

October 2011 Beijing - CIREA and HKIS Diploma Presentation Ceremony and Valuation Forum
After the CIREA membership reciprocity arrangement under the CIREA / HKIS Reciprocity held on 12 and 13 March 2011, a diploma presentation ceremony will be held on 21 October 2011 in Beijing (北京新大都飯店). A joint HKIS / CIREA Valuation Forum will also be arranged on the same day.

Invitation letters have been sent to those newly elected CIREA members. They are cordially invited to join this meaningful ceremony and the Valuation Forum. Four GPD Council Members will deliver talks and presentation at the Valuation Forum. This event is also open to all HKIS Members. For those who are interested, HKIS will be pleased to offer assistance and arrange the hotel and logistics. Please contact Miss Kiny Hung at HKIS Membership Department ([email protected]). The tentative schedule and arrangement of the programme are as follows (Detailed rundown will be released later):
20 October 2011 - Arrive at Beijing
21 October 2011 a.m. - Diploma Presentation Ceremony
21 October 2011 p.m. - Valuation Forum
22 October 2011 - Depart for Hong Kong

Should members have any queries on this event, please contact Miss Kiny Hung at 2526 3679.

International Valuation Standard Council (IVSC) Meeting in Hong Kong
This year, IVSC will hold its AGM and Board Meetings in Hong Kong. HKIS has agreed to be a supporting organization and provide logistic assistance to IVSC. The AGM of International Valuation Standards Council will be held on 5 November 2011 (Saturday). Meetings of the International Valuation Standards Board and International Valuation Professional Board will be held in the 2 days prior to the AGM.

To cope with the launch of new valuation standard by IVSC, a seminar on the new International Valuation Standards jointly organized by HKIS and HKICPA will be held in the evening of 2 November 2011 (Wednesday). The seminar will provide an overview of the revised International Valuation Standards, with sessions on their applications to real intangibles and financial instruments. The presentations in the seminar will be given by members of the IVSB (International Valuation Standard Board) and there will be an opportunity for delegates to question Board Members about the new standards. Interested members are requested to keep an eye on the advertising broadcast from the HKIS Secretariat.

A visit to Line 4 in Shenzhen - From Futian Check Point to Qinghu
In the evening of 20 August 2011, I (and other colleagues/practitioners) was invited to watch a Volley Ball Match (Russia vs Japan) of the 26th Summer Universiade in Shenzhen. As the delegates arrived earlier than the planned schedule, we had an opportunity to visit the MTR's headquarter in Shenzhen and study its involvement in the railway network / property development in Shenzhen. A briefing was made by the Deputy Chief Development Manager Mr Felix Leung.

We noted that there are 5 MTR lines in Shenzhen. MTR (HK) is operating the Shenzhen Line 4 (Longhua Line) which runs from south to north, starting from Futian Check Point (in the close proximity of Lok Ma Chau). The line provides excellent link for commuters between Hong Kong and Shenzhen, as after a minute's walk from the Hong Kong border, one can immediately take the train which connects to other lines at various stations.

The total length of Longhua Line is approximately 21 km, comprises 15 stations and 2 construction phases. The first phase is all built beneath the ground level, covering 4.55km with a total of 5 stations. This part of the line came into operation in December 2004. The second phase covers 16km and comprises 10 stations, of which 8 stations are above the ground level. The construction of the second phase is now completed and together with the first phase, the whole line has come into full operation on 16 June 2011.

The delegation learnt that there will be property development above respective railway stations/depots. It is intended that such development will serve as a landmark in the locality. These sites are planned with a "garden city" concept with particular attention on ecology and townscape. Hopefully, it will create quality living environment for the residents.

It is understood that MTR(HK)'s involvement is as a result of the closer link arrangement under the CEPA Agreement signed between the Central People’s Government and the HKSAR Government in 2009. MTR(HK) will operate this line under the BOT model for 30 years.

The 7th Cross-Strait Four-Places Land Conference (第七屆兩岸四地土地學術研討會)
The 6th Cross-Strait Four-Places Land Conference was successfully held by HKIS in 2010 Hong Kong. This Cross-Strait Land Conference was co-organized by rotation by the four concerned Institutes in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Mainland China. According to the planned arrangement, the coming 7th Cross-Strait Land Conference will be held in Macau in November 2012. For the purpose of preparing the 2012 Land Conference, the Macau organizing body - Macau Survey and Mapping Bureau has started dialogues with related institutions. HKIS has nominated GPD Hon Treasurer Mr Edward Au and Immediate Past Chairman Dr Lawrence Poon as epresentatives for this event. Members will be kept informed on the progress and be invited to submit papers and attend the Conference in due course.

Members are reminded that the GPD AGM 2011 will be held on 26 October 2011. This year, we will have council members election. Members may wish to note that announcement on the detailed arrangement of the AGM will be made in the near future.