產業測量組主席的話 (2012年3月)

Congratulation to Mr CY Leung, GP Surveyor, to be the Chief Executive-elect

HKIS GPD congratulates Mr CY Leung’s success in the Chief Executive election. GPD Council Members are most delighted that a senior GP surveyor has been recognised by the Hong Kong Community and stands out for the well being of Hong Kong. We are pleased to learn that the Chief Executive elect has pledged in his election platform to develop a long term vision for Hong Kong which includes formulation of sustainable residential and commercial strategies as well as building of a healthy land reserve. No doubt, CY’s exposure, wisdom, knowledge including expertise on land, property and construction will be of great asset for development of the territory.
GPD Council will continue to work closely with the administration, and prospective governing bodies, bureaux and departments in formulating policies related to land, property and constructions for the betterment of Hong Kong.
Application for HKIS Membership by RICS Members
Under the Reciprocity Agreement signed by HKIS and RICS in 2005, corporate members of RICS (MRICS) admitted to membership in the extant Facilities (which is now changed to “professional pathways”) whose principal place of practice is in Hong Kong may upon application to HKIS be admitted as a member of HKIS (MHKIS) in the relevant Divisions and may be entitled to all privileges of HKIS membership including use of the designation of professional surveyors and designatory letters subject to:
  1. one year’s post qualification professional practice in Hong Kong relevant to a Division of HKIS; and
  2. a professional interview conducted at the discretion of HKIS to verify the applicant’s competence and suitability for admission to the relevant Division.
From time to time, Board of Membership of HKIS receives applications from RICS members for HKIS membership under the reciprocity agreement. For the purpose of verifying the applicant’s competence and suitability for admission to the relevant Division may be necessary. In this message, I would elaborate on the GPD arrangement, i.e. professional interview (discretionary, on a case by case basis) may be necessary for all RICS members in order to confirm the applicants’ competence and suitability. For administrative reasons, GPD has decided to arrange such admission interview to take place twice a year, i.e. in June and December in respect of applications received respectively on or before 30 April and 31 October. Candidates who wish to apply for GPD (HKIS) corporate membership should note the dates and submit their applications on time.
Follow up on New Scale of Professional Charges
As members may be aware, the new “Scale of Professional Charges for General Practice Services in Hong Kong” (“Scale of Charges”) was revised in 2011. This new fee scale aims to replace the old fee scale which was published seventeen years ago jointly by HKIS and RICS (HK Branch). The new fee scale is advisory in nature and is published for the guidance of Professional GP Surveyors. This document is widely adopted by practitioners and URA when determining professional fees.
In order to promote wider use of this new fee scale, the “Working Group on new Scale of Charges” has had meetings with various stakeholders including further discussion with Acquisition Section of the Lands Department in March. Members of the Working Group are Messer C K Lau, Alnwick Chan and Rock Tsang.
HKIS / RICS(HK) Joint Guidance Notes for Commercial Rent Reviews in Hong Kong
A Working Group on Guidance Notes for Commercial Rent Reviews in Hong Kong (working group members: Messer C K Lau, David Faulkner, Paul Dwyer, Simon Lynch) has reconsidered the said guidance note. The updated draft is being scrutinized by an appointed legal consultant – Ms Minter Ellison. The first draft of the Joint Guidance Notes was prepared on 14 March 2012. This has taken into account RICS Guidance Notes, current practice on appointment of independent valuation expert by HKIS and suggestions/comments by the working group. Members will be kept informed of progress in due course.
Vetting Panel for Real Estate Valuers and Business Valuers for Public Disclosure Purposes
A Panel for Real Estate Valuers and Business Valuers Public Disclosure Purposes has been formed to vet qualification of professional surveyors. The first meeting of the panel was held on 5 March 2012 and went through the terms of reference, regulations and associated business of the vetting panel. The Panel will come into place once related issues have been firmed up. Members will be kept informed of the progress in the near future.