產業測量組主席的話 (2012年6月)

WAVO Meeting 2012, Singapore

The World Association of Valuation Organizations (WAVO) held its Meeting and Annual General Meeting in Singapore on 28 and 29 May 2012. The HKIS, as a member association of WAVO, joined the meeting. As WAVO notice was given in a relatively short period of time, it was not possible to consider in depth if the GPD should send a representative. However, as we are also a WAVO member, most General Council members opined that we should send a representative to catch up with the global situation,  exchange views with member countries, and be supportive of the host country.
WAVO is a body that brings together professional property valuation organizations that represent valuers and related property consultants employed in private practice, business and industry, the public sector, and education, as well as some specialized groups that interface frequently with the profession. Its mission is to develop and enhance the valuation and related professions and to ensure that the provision of services is of a consistently high quality and uniformity in the public interest. WAVO carries out its mission by promoting best practices, supporting robust and consistent standards, encouraging higher education, and facilitating lifelong learning among its Members. During the WAVO Meeting, apart from vetting the finance report, membership list, and business plan of WAVO 2012-15, I found a few issues worth mentioning:
  1. Joint WAVO member courses – members were encouraged to submit proposals with details on collaboration/arrangement (for example: contents, lecturers, duration, fees chargeable, travel, venue, administrative costs, etc.). 
  2. The Property Institute of New Zealand sent a two member delegation. It was working on a number of initiatives for members in the valuation, property management, and advisory fields. It illustrated how online learning in a range of subjects is now being delivered. The Property Institute intended to provide roll-out tailored professional development modules under contract for WAVO member organizations.
  3. WAVO Valuation Report Competition – students from local universities were invited to submit valuation reports to WAVO for assessment. If the work was meritorious, a congratulatory certificate was presented.
  4. WAVO intended to draw up a “Competency guide for valuers”.
  5. Amendments to the WAVO constitution – the constitution was amended to allow for regional representation to WAVO and corporate and individual memberships as associates of WAVO. 
  6. WAVO drew up a list of valuation experts. Those who wish to be included can inquire with the secretariat (www.wavoglobal.org).
  7. International Valuation and Appraisal Week – The purpose of this was to raise the organization’s profile and the global community’s awareness of the important role of valuers and appraisers. To commemorate the significance of the valuation and appraisal practice in the global marketplace, WAVO has designated the first week of November of each year as “International  valuation and Appraisal Week”. The inaugural launch was held from 1 to 7 November 2011. The HKIS was encouraged to organize valuation activities at the 2nd event of the International Valuation and Appraisal Week from 1 to 7 November 2012.
  8. The WAVO International Valuation Certificate (known as the WIVCert) – WAVO has introduced an educational programme for both members and nonmembers who are interested in international real estate and valuation across borders. The WIVCert will be granted to participants who have met both academic and participation requirements in valuation activities, including the completion of ten modules of online study; attendance in two WAVO or WAVO-recognized congresses, and the completion of a paper on a valuation topic within a two-year period.
  9. Sr Edward Au (Hon Treasurer of GPD) was appointed one of the four vice-presidents of WAVO. It was agreed that I would take his place in any function if he is not available. 
  10. The next WAVO Congress will be held in 2013.  Preferred venues are, in order of priority, Vietnam, India, and Shanghai. The next WAVO Board meeting will be held on 1 October 2012 in Melbourne.
The 7th Cross-Strait-Four-Places Land Conference Discussion Item
As already announced, the 7th Cross-Strait-Four-Places Land Conference will be held from 5 to 7 July 2012 (Thursday to Saturday) in Macau. The organizing body is now inviting applications. The theme of the Conference is “Development and Innovation of Land Use theory and techniques” (土地理論和技術的發展與創新). The Cross-Strait-Four-Places Land Conference has been coorganized by four related Institutes – the HKIS, the DSCC of Macau (澳門地圖繪製暨地籍局), the Faculty of Geography of Taiwan Politics University (臺灣政治大學地政學系), and the Land Administration Faculty of the People’s University of China (中國人民大學土地管理系), since 2000 and is held biennially. This year, the Conference will cover a wide range of land interest topics, such as:
  1. 澳門土地用途分類
  2. 國家土地督察制度實施五周年職責履行情況評價
  3. 評 2012 年土地徵收條例修正條文-以徵收程序與補償之規定為中心
  4. 更新土地用途符合發展須要
  5. 中國的土地供應及供地計劃:從中央-地方到企業
  6. 市價補償即為公平?-論土地徵收補償之地價基準
  7. 都市更新程序正義與公共利益之檢討-以「文林苑」都更案為例
  8. 高度城市化地區土地管理創新模式探索-以深圳市為例
  9. 發展方式轉變下的北京市城市土地利用結構優化研究
  10. 我國住房發展規劃指標體系構建研究
  11. 新西蘭公共住房實踐的創新對我國的啟示
  12. 保障性住房共有產權模式的理論與實踐意義
  13. 從居住用地出讓價格波動角度探究中國房地產調控政策對房地產周期的影嚮效果-以北京市 2003-2010 年居住地出讓數據為例
  14. 大規模發展保障性住房背景下的住房保障適度水平評價-以北京市為例
  15. 北京市住宅市場量價關係的實證研究
  16. 土地發展權定價研究
  17. 廣深港高速鐵路香港段建造工程檢討菜園村拆遷政策及對末來拆遷的建議
  18. 以多項式擬合法降低 e-GPS 水準測量系統誤差
  19. 利用 DOE-2 模式分析反照率對建築物的節能效果
  20. 捷運系統對搭乘者心理健康影響之研究
  21. 台北都會區轉運場站複合公共空間評估之研究
  22. 土地承包權益對農村勞動力轉移的影響-結合托達羅人口流動模型的修正
  23. 多元主體推動城鄉統籌發展進程:浙江省土地綜合整治模式研究
  24. 美國鄉村“精明增長”對我國農村土地整治的啟示
  25. 城鄉統籌發展背景下農村土地管理制度改革-以浙江省嘉興市、義烏市和龍游縣為例
  26. 都市更新信任理論與集體行動之研究
  27. 城市住宅房地產投資價值評價
  28. 以協同設計的觀點探討無形資產與不動產價值之關聯
  29. 區域層次產業用地集約利用評價指標體系構建研究
  30. 土地立體化利用中的權利衝突與解決-以海峽兩岸空間權利立法比較為視角
  31. 土地利用總體規劃修編中基本農田調整的 GIS 技術應用-以貴州省關岭縣為例
  32. 永續發展概念下之台北都會區空間再結構機制研擬
  33. 城市化進程中大都市耕地保護壓力和其經濟機制研究-- 以北京市為例
  34. 電子政務於政府政務公開中的角色
  35. 小產權房納入城市住房保障體系的可行性分析-- 以北京市為例
  36. MBS 提前還款風險與宏觀經濟因素關係探討-以“建元2005-1為例
  37. 不同農村民點整治模式下農戶參與意願影響因素比較研究-- 以嘉定區外岡鎮和奉賢區庄行鎮為例
Members are encouraged to participate in this meaningful Conference, and no doubt you will much treasure the experiences imparted by the speakers. Members who are interested can download the application form for it at: http://csfp2012.dscc.gov.mo/cht/Doc/registerform_CT.pdf. The completed forms can be returned by e-mail to: [email protected]. For details, please refer to the Conference’s official website: http://csfp2012.dscc.gov.mo/cht/default.html.
Chinese Abstract of the 7th Cross Strait Land Conference (中文摘要)
兩岸四地土地學術研討會由中國人民大學土地管理系、臺灣政治大學地政學系、香港測量師學會和澳門地圖繪製暨地籍局共同發起,第一屆於2000 年在福建武夷山成功舉辦後,決定隨後每兩年一屆由各地輪流主辦,提供一個讓兩岸四地土地政策及管理的學者相互交流以及業界分享經驗的平台,並藉此提昇學術水平及促進兩岸四地學術交流和合作。第六屆於201010月在香港舉行後,經籌辦委員會決議,「第七屆兩岸四地土地學術研討會」將於20127月在澳門特別行政區舉行,現誠意邀請兩岸四地土地政策及管理的業界人士踴躍參加。
主題: 土地理論和技術的發展與創新
時間: 2012 7 5 (周四)7 (周六)
地點: 澳門
場地: 澳門科學館會議中心
  • 土地開發與更新利用
  • 土地更新利用數據庫
  • 土地開發與環境評估
  • 土地利用與城市發展
  • 城市用地與制度創新
  • 土地制度與經濟發展
  • 城鄉土地利用與經濟發展