土地測量組主席的話 (2012年11月)

HKIS Annual Dinner 2012

The HKIS Annual Dinner 2012 was held in the Grand Ballroom of the Grand Hyatt Hong Kong on Tuesday, 6 November 2012. Our Guest of Honour, The Honourable Leung Chun Ying, GBM, GBS, JP, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, gave us his vision to build Hong Kong for future generations and urged all surveyors to take part in this work in the coming 30-40 years. I believe that land surveyors should answer the call and contribute as much as we had in the past.
The evening was our important occasion to meet friends in the trade, academia, and in the Institute, including the officer bearers, division chairmen, and honourable guests.
8th Annual Seminar on Spatial Information Science and Technology (ASSIST)
The 8th ASSIST was held in the Senate Room, M1603, of the Li Ka Shing Tower at Hong Kong Polytechnic University on 2 November 2012. The annual seminar series is hosted by HKPU’s Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics. The impetus of the conference is to provide a forum for all participants working in the broad field of Spatial Information Science and Technology to showcase their work. ASSIST provides a friendly and relaxed atmosphere for participants to learn about current developments, exchange ideas, and establish new relationships. The HKIS was invited to give a talk, Cadastral System in Hong Kong - Future & Development, at this year’s event.
We believe that Hong Kong should have a law to determine land boundaries, which would enable a clearer identification of the extent of a land parcel, which is of utmost importance for protecting the rights and interests of property owners. It is also essential for the government to carry out its duties to administer leased and unleased land, control land use, and formulate policy for planning and land development. The provision is best incorporated into the Land Survey Ordinance (Cap 473) such that the standards for and control of relevant professionals are already in place.
We also propose the establishment of a cadastre system in Hong Kong for the fast-growing industry of land management in Hong Kong to make use of the efficient Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for disseminating cadastral information to the public.
LSD Contact Points
If you have any views on the Council’s work, please feel free to send them to the Hon Secretary at [email protected],hk or to me at [email protected].