建築測量組主席的話 (2012年12月)

BSD AGM and Annual Dinner

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! The BSD AGM and Annual Dinner were held on 30 November 2012. We have elected our new office bearers and council members; some of us from the 2011-2012 Council will continue with the new Council, while we also have new blood to join the team. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the outgoing Council for its invaluable efforts, which are well appreciated by our BS members. It is my pleasure to have the chance again to serve the Division as Chairman in 2012-2013 together with the Vice-Chairman, Sr Andrew KUNG Sui-lun, the Honorary Secretary Sr Rebecca LO Mei-tak, the Honorary Treasurer Sr Kenny TSE Chi-kin, the Immediate Past Chairman Sr Vincent HO Kui-yip, and the following elected Council members:
Sr CHAN Ka-man, Margaret
Sr CHAN Mei-kuen, Idi
Sr CHANG Wai-ip, Daniel
Sr CHEUK Cheung-kei, Cheuky
Sr CHEUNG Man-to, Arthur
Sr CHEUNG Yan-kwai, Eddy
Sr DY Wai-fung, Peter
Sr HO Siu-leung, Nelson
Sr LAM Wai-keung, Andrew
Sr LAW Chin-keung, Jason
Sr LEE Hoi-tat, Nathan
Sr TANG Chi-wang
Sr TSE Chi-ming, Philip
Sr WONG Ka-chi, Louis
Sr WONG Kin-yee, Billy
I believe that we had a fruitful Council year under the leadership of our Immediate Past Chairman, Sr Vincent Ho. Having enjoyed the happy moments during the AGM and Annual Dinner, which were the perfect conclusion to the 2011-2012 Council Year, we look forward to another harvest year that is expected to be more challenging and exciting. No matter how it turns out, I believe that our new Council can again work in unity and harmony to serve our members and promote our profession’s development with the greatest efforts. We held our first Council meeting on 18 December 2012 and nominated Council/co-opted members to different Committees/Working Groups/Panels. In the coming year, the Council shall concentrate its efforts in the following areas:
  • Close monitoring of the Qianhai Development in order to utilize the BS’s expertise in this regard
  • Implementing APC Reform for the AMHKIS
  • Launching the Professional Guide for Detection and Diagnosis of Water Leakage in Residential Buildings
  • Finalizing the Professional Guide for Building Inspection
  • Continuing to offer BSD Scholarships to Secondary School students
  • Finalizing and publishing the List of Experts (Water Leakage)
  • Conducting necessary promotional activities via our appointed PR consultant
  • Monitoring the renovation work of the new HKIS Office
  • Arranging regular gatherings of the BSs with different sectors of the industry
  • Providing structural trainings for probationers and newly qualified members
  • Reviewing the Building Maintenance Cost Data on a regular basis
  • Enhancing the BS’s expertise in the area of BIM, Heritage, and Fire Safety
We are ready to serve you, but we also need your support. If you want to serve the Council in any capacity, please e-mail me at [email protected] and I will further liaise with you.
於 2012 年 12 月 9 日,建築測量組與深圳市監理工程師協會簽訂為期五年的框架協議。協議約定雙方在平等互利、優勢互補、相互學習、共同提高的原則下,積極體現內地監理工程師與香港建築測量師的資格互認,促進有關主管部門允許深圳的監理單位與香港建築測量師服務單位以聯合體方式在前海合作區承接相關專案管理或工程監理業務;並支援深圳的監理單位與香港建築測量師服務單位形成聯合體,聯合承接合作區內工程項目的專案管理或工程監理業務;以及開展兩地執業模式、執業體制等的研究、交流和培訓。