土地測量組主席的話 (2012年12月)

The LSD ADM 2012

The LSD AGM 2012 was held on 28 November 2012 in the SLC, HKIS at Jardine House. The new Council Members elected are:
Chairman Sr KOO Tak-ming
Vice-Chairman Sr LAM Lik-shan, Sr CHAN Yue-chun
Hon. Secretary Sr Miss LIU Bessie
Hon. Treasurer Sr LAU Chun-wa
Council Members
Sr CHAU Ming
Sr MA Ka-chun
Sr YU Wai-wing
Sr CHAN Kwan-ho
Sr YIP Hon-wah
Sr CHONG Pui-wah
Sr Ms LO Hoi-yin
Sr WONG Joseph
Sr WONG Ching-kei
Sr Miss CHAN Yuk-ying
Sr Dr TANG Conrad
Sr Miss TO Ka-yi
Sr CHING Siu-tong
Sr TANG Wing-lun
Sr CHAN Chi-hung
YSG Representative Miss YUEN Wing-yan
Technical Visit to Mainland
A two-day technical visit to South Surveying & Mapping Instrument Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou took place on 7-8 December, 2012 (Fri-Sat). The visit was co-organised with ICES as one of the collaboration events.
South Surveying has a sound record in high-speed railway infrastructure projects and Satellite Reference installation programs in Mainland China. The visit enabled participants to probe into some high-speed railway construction cases and check South Surveying’s track  geometry-measuring trolley system and Satellite Reference facilities. Site demonstrations and experience exchanges would definitely help land surveyors to better understand these applications.
Consultation Paper on Adverse Possession
The Adverse Possession Sub-committee of the Law Reform Commission) released a consultation paper on 10 December 2012 that made preliminary proposals for the reform of the law on adverse possession. The paper is available at the following link:
The preliminary recommendations of the Sub-committee were made against the background of a deeds registration system, as opposed to a title registration system (a proof of ownership) of conveyancing in Hong Kong.
The paper points out that the existing deeds registration system gives no guarantee of title, as the Land Titles Ordinance (Cap 585) has not yet been implemented. Even if a person is registered as the owner of a property, there may still be uncertainties or defects in his/her title to the property. Hence, title to land is relative and depends ultimately on possession. The LSD considers that to be a major reason why landowners should conduct land boundary surveys of their properties to protect their rights to their land.
The Sub-committee considered the case law and made recommendations on its various aspects. Its paper contains a thorough description of the problem of surveying and land boundaries in the New Territories. It recommended that the government step up its efforts to address the boundary
problem in the New Territories. The Sub-committee also considered that the land boundary problem is best handled together with (and in the context of) the implementation of the Land Titles Ordinance. The LSD agrees that the government should look into this matter and find a workable
A Task Force was appointed by the LSD Council to look into the details of the recommendations made by the Subcommittee, in particular the aspect related to the solution to the problem of land boundaries in the New Territories. The Task Force will also explore possible refinements to the recommendations, as proposed. If you have any comment on the paper, you are welcome to forward it to the LSD Council for consideration.
LSD Contact Points
If you have any views on the Council’s work, please feel free to send them to the Hon Secretary at [email protected],hk or to me at [email protected] .