土地測量組主席的話 (2013年1月)


The HKIS Secretariat will be operating from its new premises in Room 1205, 12/F, Wing On Centre, from 28 January 2013. A social gathering was held on Friday, 18 January, at the Surveyors Learning Centre to say goodbye to the Jardine House premises.
The HKIS Secretariat relocated to the new office premises in Rooms 1205-1207, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong, with effect from 28 January 2013.
Year Plan 2013
Serving the community
With the mission of contributing our professional expertise to serve the community, we have provided views on various areas for the development of public policies in 2012. We worked closely with the HKIS Office Bearers and Divisions to express our views on how to achieve a better Hong Kong. We submitted our views to the Chief Executive and Financial Secretary in relation to the 2011-2012 Policy Address, with particular focus on: (a) the determination of land boundaries and (b) the establishment of a cadastre system to encourage the public to participate in the management of Hong Kong’s land resources.
We have to push harder in 2012-2013 to amend the Land Survey Bill for the enactment of legislation to determine land boundaries in order to administer leased and unleased land, control land use, and formulate policies for planning and land development. The standard and control of relevant professional should be applied to all land boundary surveys instead of the limited scope as required in LSO today. We shall urge the government to consider establishing a publicly accessible cadastre system in Hong Kong to facilitate more efficient public access to the relevant land boundary information. It would be best that the proposed system ride on an advanced spatial data infrastructure via the internet.
International and Mainland Affairs
The LSD joined various international and Mainland events in 2012 to promote the HKIS, exchange ideas, and establish new relationships with our fellow land surveyors in other parts of the world.
In 2013, the LSD shall continuous its active participation in international events e.g. FIG WW and SEASC. We shall further strengthen our connections with our counterparts on the Mainland and in Macau and Taiwan.
Two major land surveying conferences, namely: 第八屆京港澳測繪技術交流會 in May and 第七屆海峽兩岸測繪發展研討會 in November will be held in Hong Kong in 2013. As one of the co-organizers of the events, the LSD shall take the opportunity to introduce its latest developments to its guests. More importantly, your participation is vital to the success of each event. We shall keep you informed of the progress and the key dates of the paper submissions and registrations.
Education and Membership
We have maintained a good relationship with academia and have attended regular liaison meetings and the Advisory Committee Meeting of the Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics (LSGI) of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). I am glad to have strengthened our partnership with the LSGI to provide a good start for young people to shape their futures as land surveyors in Hong Kong.
We also seek every opportunity to gain mutual recognition with other professional bodies in Hong Kong. A Reciprocity Agreement between the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors’ (ICES) Geospatial Engineers and our Land Surveyors was signed at the HKIS’s Surveyor Learning Centre. A Corporate Member (Member or Fellow) of the HKIS in good standing who is also a member of the Land Surveying Division may be elected as a Member of the ICES (Geospatial Engineering stream) subject to: (a) one year’s post-qualification professional practice relevant to the ICES (Geospatial Engineering stream) in circumstances that will enable a Member or Fellow of the ICES (Geospatial Engineering stream) to confirm the professional activities undertaken and (b) a professional competency interview conducted by the ICES.
We also care about the development of our local members. Hence, we have taken the lead to talk to the government about our members’ concerns over the standard of land surveying services in Hong Kong, in particular those for mega construction projects. Measures have been discussed and agreed to between the government and the HKIS for a competent, professional land surveyor to be present for large scale construction projects or when the project requires our expertise to assist in complicated works control.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD)
A series of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) sessions for surveyors at all levels were conducted to update members’ knowledge and for everyone to share his/her knowledge with counterparts in 2012. We shall continue to work in 2013 to provide more CPD sessions to our members, as well as to probationers, so that they can maintain their CPD with respect to our mandatory CPD requirements and the APC Assessments.
Consultation Paper on Adverse Possession
The LSD shall work with the GPD to examine the details of the recommendations made by the Sub-committee on the items brought to our attention. The LSD Task Force will also explore possible refinements to the proposed recommendations. If you have any comment on the paper, you are welcome to forward it to the LSD Council for consideration.
LSD Contact Points
If you have any views on the Council’s work, please feel free to send them to the Hon Secretary at [email protected] or to me at [email protected].