土地測量組主席的話 (2014年4月)

 HKIS 30th Anniversary Surveyors Luncheon Talk – Sr LEUNG Shou Chun, MBE

We were honoured to have our Past President, Sr Leung Shou Chun, MBE, as the guest speaker during the HKIS’s 30th Anniversary Surveyors Luncheon Talk on 11 April 2014. He shared with us his knowledge on “Horse & Surveying”.

In my closing remarks, I highlighted that Sr Leung is a living encyclopaedia. He is one of the Institute’s “national treasures”. A full report has been prepared for those who missed the chance to attend the talk.


More Surveyor Posts in Large Infrastructure Projects

In recent years, we have been advising the government to hire “the right professionals to do the right jobs” in its infrastructure projects. Due to our hard work, more LS posts have been created, especially for the following projects:

the Central / Wanchai Bypass, Chek Lap Kok Link, Liantang / Heung Yuen Wai Boundary Control Point, and HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge HKBCF. Senior land surveyors are at each site to impart their land surveying expertise. Let’s keep it up.


HKIS 30th Anniversary Cocktail Reception

The HKIS 30th Anniversary Cocktail Reception was successfully held on 25 April 2014 at the Hong Kong Club. Many LSD Members came to share in the joy of this remarkable year after the HKILS amalgamated with the HKIS in 1991.


LSD Contact Points

If you have any view on the work of the Council, please feel free to send it to the Hon Secretary at [email protected] or to me at [email protected]. We shall keep you in close contact with the Council and seek your views and support for a better LSD.


熱烈恭賀香港測量師學會成立 30 周年!前會長梁守肫土地測量師更為這 30 周年紀念舉行了一場演講會。土地測量師會繼續努力為各項大型基建工程作出貢獻。