產業測量組主席的話 (2015年7月)

Report on the CPD Panel’s Land Supply Discussion Forum
The Land Supply Discussion Forum, a CPD event jointly organised with the Land Policy Panel, was successfully held on 6 July. The Hon Paul Chan, Secretary of Development, and the HKIS President, Sr Vincent Ho, gave opening speeches. Three guest speakers – Sr PC Lau, currently a member of the Lantau Development Authority Committee and our Past President, Sr Victor So, Chairman of the Urban Renewal Authority and Sr Hon Tony Tse, a LegCo member and representative of the Architecture, Surveying and Planning Constituency, also our Past President– gave presentations and their views on various land supply issues. The Land Policy Panel Chairman, Sr CK Lau, and Housing Policy Panel Chairman, Sr CK Chan, gave presentations on land administration and planning issues, respectively. Sr Tony Chan, Vice Chairman of the Land Policy Panel, moderated the forum. About 100 members and non-members attended this event and their responses to it were positive.


20157月產業測量組主席的話 (全文)