編號 : 2024125
項目名 : General Mediation procedures- opportunities of GP Surveyors in mediation
學會持續專業發展編號 : Formal Events
講師 : Andy CY Kwok is a barrister-at-law and an accredited mediator at Anthony Rogers Chambers. Having received legal training from both Hong Kong and Mainland China, Andy possesses a comprehensive understanding of the legal systems in these jurisdictions. As a versatile legal professional, Andy is actively engaged in a diverse civil and criminal practice.

In his civil practice, Andy has garnered extensive experience in handling a broad spectrum of cases. This includes handling international arbitration with cross-border implications, property disputes, trusts and probate matters, company and insolvency issues, contract disputes, tort claims, and personal injury cases. Within the realm of matrimonial litigation, Andy frequently provides advice on financial aspects, including preliminary matters, as well as children-related issues in matrimonial litigation.

Within the realm of criminal law, Andy has worked on a diverse range of cases encompassing sexual offenses, dishonesty-related offenses, immigration offenses, departmental summonses, violent crimes, and regulatory matters.

Andy is a HKMAAL Accredited General Mediator. He possesses significant experience in mediating various civil disputes, including those with cross-border and cross-cultural dimensions. Notably, he has also been appointed as a mediator in legally aided cases involving general civil matters and matrimonial disputes. Andy’s dedication to ADR is underscored by his extensive training in family mediation, investor-State mediation and victim-offender mediation.

In addition to his practical involvement, Andy has made extensive contributions to the mediation field through his published works. Noteworthy works include co-authoring a background paper for the UNCITRAL Working Group III Virtual Pre-Intersessional Meeting on the topic of "The Use of Mediation in ISDS." He has also authored the third edition of the Butterworths Hong Kong Alternative Dispute Resolution Handbook and served as an annotator for the Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (Mediation Ordinance). Furthermore, Andy has contributed to the third edition of the Hong Kong Mediation Manual, published by LexisNexis.
日期 : 2024-08-06
時間 : 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
註冊截止日期 : 2024-07-30
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 1.5
Divisional PQSL Hour(s) : 1.5
地點 : 1) Surveyors Learning Centre, Room 1207, 12/F, Wing On Centre, 111 Connaught Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong 2) By online media - ZOOM
部門 : GPD
主辦者 : General Practice Division
費用 : HK$ 150 for members; HK$ 200 for non-members
名額 : First-come-first-served
語言 : Cantonese supplemented by English
詳情 :
  • What is mediation?
  • What is the process of mediation?
  • The recent development of mediation in Hong Kong
  • Introduction of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Cross-Boundary Disputes Mediation Scheme
  • What are the opportunities of GP surveyors in mediation?
  • Any role for the GP surveyors in mediation?
  •  How to become an accredited general mediator in Hong Kong?
  • What are the benefits of acquiring mediation skills?
備註 :

*For Face-to-Face:

  • Prior online registration is required. Walk-in registration will not be entertained.
  • Eating and drinking is not allowed at the Surveyors Learning Centre.

*For ZOOM: The event will be conducted online via ZOOM. Upon successful registration, the ZOOM link for joining the CPD event will be available in the CPD/PQSL profile under the "Member Area" of the HKIS website.

On-line registration is not applicable for non-HKIS members. To register, please complete the CPD registration form and return with payment to the HKIS Secretariat.

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  • For Mobile phones, iPads & Android, install the ZOOM Cloud Meetings app from App Store or Play Store.
  • For PC and Mac, download and install the Zoom Client for Meetings.
付款 : HKD 150
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