編號 : YSG/S/202424
項目名 : HKIS YSG Annual Dinner 2024
日期 : 2024-10-26
時間 : 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
註冊截止日期 : 2024-09-30
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 0
地點 : Hotel Alexandra, 32 City Garden Road, Hong Kong
部門 : YSG
主辦者 : Young Surveyors Group
費用 : HK$300 per person for HKIS members (priority is given to YSG members, subject to discretion of YSG) ; HK$200 per person for student members
名額 : Priority is given to YSG members, subject to discretion of YSG. First-come-first served and walk-in is not available.
語言 : Cantonese
詳情 :

又到一年一度嘅盛事YSG Annual Dinner喇!上年繼Y2K主題,帶大家重返2000年之後,今次YSG又再同大家扮鬼扮馬。今年再次誠邀大家喺 Hotel Alexandra歷山酒店做西部牛仔,迎合今年主題「Country Style」。

到時現場有攤位、獎品同打卡位等緊大家!記住仲有Best Dressing Award等你贏走!



備註 :

Registration method:

1. Online registration by filling in the following Google form: (https://forms.gle/Cxik7HLPwyeSdtPs6) (successful applicants would receive confirmation from YSG)

  • Only applicable to registrant who pay via:
    • Pay via PayMe mobile application; or
    • Pay through corresponding Student Representative.

2. If you wish to pay through cheque or HKIS Titanium Master Card/ Visa Platinum Card, please make registration with duly completed Standard Reservation Form by post/by hand to the HKIS Secretariat.

付款 : HKD 300
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Face-to-Face