編號 : YSG/S/202427
項目名 : YSG Social Event – Rock Climbing
日期 : 2024-11-02
時間 : 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
註冊截止日期 : 2024-10-23
有關組別之資格預審前研習小時 : 0
地點 : Shek O
部門 : YSG
主辦者 : Young Surveyors Group
費用 : HK$300 for YSG member; HK$500 for non-YSG member (All gears and coach fee are included)
名額 : YSG Members; First-come-first-served (Max quota of 25)
語言 : Cantonese
詳情 :

This rock-climbing event is a great opportunity to exercise, explore and enjoy the natural environment in Shek O. There are 3 sessions in the event including rock-climbing, zip line and abseiling. You can experience all of them in a day with the guidance of a coach. All gears are included in the fee.

備註 :
  1. Registration method:

Online Registration (https://forms.gle/QBPBSkaau2u7tciQ9)

  • Payment to be made via Payme / FPS
  1. If you wish to pay by cheque or HKIS Titanium Master Card/ Visa Platinum Card, please make your registration with a duly completed Standard Reservation Form by post/by hand to the HKIS Secretariat.
  2. While HKIS will arrange for insurance policy for the participants, members may consider taking out their own insurance policy to cover their own risks.
  3. Once the reservation is made, the reservation fee is non-refundable.
付款 : HKD
Face-to-Face/Zoom : Face-to-Face