Our History

In March 1985, about one year after the establishment of the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors, the total number of Corporate Members of the general practice surveyors was 204. In July 2024, the total number of Corporate Members of General Practice Division reached over 2,000. This no doubt indicates the significant growth of GP surveyors.

The Division has organized various CPD events every year, with topics covering agency, valuation, property management, land administration, compulsory acquisition and rating issues.

To ensure acceptable quality of professional services provided by our members, the Divisional Council has in the past years worked hard in providing Guidance Notes on Valuation Practice and Code of Practice for our members. Furthermore, the General Practice Division together with the other divisional representatives developed a new edition of the Code of Measuring Practice in 1999.

In the past few years, the Divisional Council has explored the communication opportunity with similar institutions in the PRC, namely China Appraisal Society, Real Estate Appraisal Institute and Land Appraisal Society.